<link file:2074 _blank download herunterladen der datei>Programme (pdf)
We are happy to invite you to the 6th International Summer School at the Max Rubner-Institut in Kulmbach. This year, we will focus on the interactions between evolving meat markets and important meat standards. Global meat production and consumption have been growing constantly in the last decades, and it is expected that this trend will continue further. Since this development varies between countries and meat types, the international flow of goods is becoming more important. Consequently, exporting countries need to adjust their production systems to the different food consumption patterns in emerging and developing countries. Moreover, it is necessary to harmonise the existing grading systems and quality standards for meat carcases and cuts in order to facilitate the global meat trade. Global standards should ideally comprise the commercial quality grades, the eating quality as well as merchandising and food safety requirements. In view of the growing world population, it will be essential in the future to optimize the utilization of food resources and to promote alternative protein sources. The Summer School will give an overview on current market developments and important meat standards such as UN/ECE, USDA and EUROP grading standards. Theoretical principles will be deepened by practical exercises and demonstrations of grading techniques with focus on new initiatives and modern technologies. The use and production of edible insects and slaughter by-products shows an example for sustainable use of renewable resources. For those from research or industry interested in the topic, you are welcome to apply for participation in this year’s Summer School, which is in addition an excellent platform for international networking. We look forward to meeting you in Kulmbach!
Monika Sönnichsen, Organiser