Information regarding electronic invoicing
With the resolution of the e-invoicing ordinance (ERechV) dated September 6, 2017, the German cabinet substantiated the provisions of the EU directive. Beyond that, it also obliged the invoicing parties to submit electronic invoices as of November 27, 2020. In accordance with § 3, section 3 ERechV, the exceptions from this obligation are direct orders up to a contract value of € 1,000 (net), invoice data subject to confidentiality and certain matters of the Federal Foreign Office resp. other purchases abroad. Invoices from direct orders up to a contract value of 1,000 € (net) can still be billed to the MRI as paper invoices.
For suppliers of the Max Rubner-Institut and therefore invoicing parties to the MRI, this means that as of November 27, 2020, invoices with a value above € 1,000 net have to be submitted via the Central Invoice Submission Platform (ZRE) of the Federal Government.
Link to ZRE (Central Invoice Submission Platform): //
We are asking you to please register first and activate the application. Please find further details in the terms of use of the ZRE.
The routing identification number (routing-ID) for invoices addressed to the Max Rubner-Institut is:
Routing-ID 991-03730-19
The routing-ID is a unique identification number of the connected public clients and ensures that the ordering organization’s electronic invoice in standard invoice format "XRechnung" is assigned to the correct client.
As "invoice references", please always indicate the order number/tracking number/reference number of the MRI (please refer to the award of contract resp. the order)!
You will find further information regarding electronic invoicing (e-invoice) on the official information website of the Federal Government at
Further information
Introducing_electronic_invoicing (pdf)