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Definition of nutritional behaviour

“Nutritional behaviour is the entirety of planned, spontaneous or habitual actions of individuals or social groups with which food is procured, prepared, consumed and post-processed. It considers that nutritional behaviour includes both influencing factors as well as effects from the dimensions health, environment, society and economy along the entire product chain of food.”
(Department of Nutritional Behaviour based on Oltersdorf 1984 p 189 and Leonhäuser et al. 2009 p 20)


  • Department of Nutritional Behavior: Nutritional behavior research at Max Rubner-Institut. Unpublished working paper. Max Rubner-Institut - Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food, Karlsruhe, 2010
  • Leonhäuser IU, Meier-Gräwe U, Möser A, Zander U, Köhler J: Essalltag in Familien. Ernährungsversorgung zwischen privatem und öffentlichem Raum [Everyday life food routines in families - realisation of food provisioning between private and public sphere]. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2009
  • Oltersdorf U: Methodische Probleme der Erfassung von Ernährungsverhalten [Methodological problems in the assessment of nutritional behavior]. AID Verbraucherdienst 29(9), 187–197, 1984